Description du projet

Yoshifumi Hayashi est né en 1948, au Japon. Il vit et travaille à Paris depuis 1974.
Du bout de son crayon, Yoshifumi Hayashi, depuis une trentaine d’année, de façon comme accidentelle et concentrée, caresse la feuille. Violentes et surréalistes, rêvées et infernales, toujours sexuées si ce n’est érotiques —l’érotisme, c’est la pornographie des autres et vice et versa…–les scènes de Hayashi s’adressent en tout cas aux tripes.
Nimbé d’une auréole subtile, le dessin, qui se garde bien d’être trop grand, impressionne et imprime longtemps.
Yoshifumi Hayashi (1948, Fukuoka, Japan) is an artist specializing in scenes of female erotica. In the 21st century, he has been associated with the Mondo Bizarro art gallery in Italy.
In 1974 he moved to Paris, where, he began to produce pencil drawings. At first his main influence was the metaphysical world of De Chirico, but soon his focus shifted to the lower half of the female anatomy…
Hayashi’s art comes straight from the darkest depths of his subconscious and the artist lays his innermost paranoias, fetishes and obsessions. Despite this profoundly personal quality his work is also highly and objectively erotic. [1] Little is known about Japanese erotic artist Yoshifumi Hayashi.
There is however a film by Walerian Borowczyk (1980, Hyper Auto Erotic Art: Hayashi) on the work of Hayashi, consisting of the a camera panning over the work of Hayashi, accompanied by classical music.
Apart from being featured in specialist magazines such as Gilles Berquet’s Maniac and the Italian Divazine, his work has not been the object of a major publisher yet.